Discover the captivating world of Chau Tam Tam with the CH-TT22, a handcrafted masterpiece made in China using ancient traditions. Meinl Sonic Energy presents an extraordinary gong with large sound characteristics that resonate with deep and expressive tones.
Key Features:
- Handcrafted Masterpiece: Each CH-TT22 is meticulously crafted in China, following centuries-old methods used for creating gongs in this region.
- Large Sound Characteristics: Experience a wide spectrum of tones, from sustained low hums to brooding roars and fast explosive crashes.
- Included Beater and Cover: Your CH-TT22 comes complete with a beater, specifically designed for the tam tam size, and a protective cover.
Meinl Sonic Energy Chau Tam Tam Gong 22 inch / 56 cm